
3_5_沉沒之島不沉沒_請註明 by Chiara Goia  

沉没之島不沉默  The Island President

美國  USA | 2011 | 101 min | Jon SHENK


★2012  日舞協會/希爾頓協會希爾頓永續發展獎
Hilton LightStay Sustainability Award, Hilton Worldwide and Sundance Institute

★2011 多倫多國際電影節觀眾票選獎
People's Choice Award for Documentary, Toronto International Film Festival




 場次資訊:09/30(日)14:20 信義威秀10/04(四)18:00 信義威秀


為了拯救因全球暖化即將被海水淹沒的島國人民,馬爾地夫總統納希德(Mohamed NASHEED)在2009年全球氣候大會前,展開一連串精彩的遊說與造勢活動,為生存奮力一搏。本片更獲得電台司令(Radiohead)樂團的背書,大量使用他們的作品為電影配樂。


After bringing democracy to the Maldives after thirty years of despotic rule, President Mohamed Nasheed is now facing an even greater challenge: as one of the most low-lying countries in the world, a rise of three feet in sea level would submerge the 1200 islands of the Maldives enough to make them uninhabitable.




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