
空間生死三幕劇  No-Res: Life and Death of a Space in Three Acts

西班牙  Spain | 2011 | 86 min | Xavier ARTIGAS


★2012 西班牙馬德里紀錄片影展最佳西班牙紀錄片
Best Spanish Documentary,  Documenta Madrid



 場次資訊:09/29(六)19:20 信義威秀、10/01(一)15:50 信義威秀、10/02(二)14:20 信義威秀





No-Res chronicles the downfall of Colonia Castells, a small centenarian working-class neighborhood in Barcelona. This purely observational documentation focuses on space as the principal factor shaping a lifestyle that’s in danger of extinction, one that understands the streets as a space to socialize amidst a city that confuses public space for tourist attractions and spaces for mass consumption.




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