當我們窮在一起:動畫貧窮史 Poor Us: An Animated History of Poverty
荷蘭、英國 Netherlands - UK | 2012 | 58 min | Ben LEWIS

2012 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展
         International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam


The poor may always have been with us, but attitudes towards them have changed. Beginning
in the Neolithic Age, Poor Us takes us through the changing world of poverty. You go to sleep, you dream, you become poor through the ages. And when you awake, what can you say about poverty now? There are still very poor people, to be sure, but the new poverty has more to do with inequality...

9/27(五)17:20 華山一廳
10/5(六)11:20 誠品敦南
10/6(日)12:00 華山2F多功能藝文廳(★異動★ 原映演場地為華山二廳)


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