

彩雲之南South of Clouds

中國大陸 China 2012 80 min │ 王爾卓 WANG Erzhuo


2013 日本山形國際紀錄片影展 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival

2013 雲之南紀錄影像展 Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Festival




It's a story about an ordinary woman, who lives in a strange land---the border of China and Burma. She told me the ups and downs in her life: the teenage dreams, the disillusion of romance, and the setbacks of life. It reflects on the happiness and sorrows of a commoner. The local girls surround the woman. As the time goes by, the woman's life becomes more and more plain. But for the girls, their splendid life just begins through the desperation for love, the observation for life and the curiosity for the unknown world.





9/27 六 21:00 華山二廳│ 10/2 四 15:10 華山二廳




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