鼓動人生 When the Drum is Beating
美國 USA | 2011 | 88 min | Whitney DOW
★2011加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片電影節
Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival
★2011 紐約Tribeca翠貝卡影展
Tribeca Film Festival
※場次資訊:10/02(二)16:00 信義威秀、10/04(四)19:50 信義威秀
海地「北方」管弦樂隊 (Orchestre Septentrional)振奮人心的音樂讓貧困的樂迷感到富有。伴隨著搖擺、節奏明確的爵士與巫毒樂旋律,本片細細訴說海地人民如何從輝煌走向貧窮。 2010年的大地震雖然再次重挫海地,但「北方」管弦樂隊必將帶領人們繼續高唱!
When the Drum is Beating is an incisive and revealing portrait of the tumultuous history of Haiti. In this beautifully constructed film, Haiti’s rich history of triumph and tragedy is interwoven with the story and music of Haiti’s most beloved orchestra, Septentrional, whose infectious spirit and amazing longevity reflect the spirit of the nation.