正面蕉瘋 Big Boys Gone Bananas!*
瑞典、丹麥、德國、美國、英國 Sweden - Denmark - Germany - USA - UK | 2011 | 86 min | Fredrik GERTTEN
★2012 日舞影展國際紀錄片競賽單元評審團大獎提名
Grand Jury Prize Nomination, Sundance World Cinema Documentary Competition
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
★ 亞洲首映
※場次資訊:09/30(日)18:30 誠品敦南、10/07(日)14:00 誠品敦南
2009年洛杉磯影展前夕,瑞典導演Fredrik Gertten和他的製作人收到從美國寄來的存證信函,他們即將首映的紀錄片《香蕉啟示錄》引起了美國水果大集團Dole的注意。由於該片揭發Dole在中南美洲的香蕉農地使用有毒性的廉價農藥,對當地農工們的健康造成嚴重傷害,Dole因此要求他們禁播此片,否則將控告他們扭曲事實、誹謗公司名譽。同時,Dole的影響力也在各界啟動,連洛杉磯影展也被迫將影片從正式競賽中剔除,並改在偏遠的場地播放。影片放映之後,Dole正式向電影公司提告,不甘示弱的導演決定運用他所有的資源奮力反擊,連瑞典國會都被牽扯進來...
Swedish filmmaker Fredrik GERTTEN found that the world premiere of Bananas!* —his documentary about a lawsuit against the Dole Food Company—might be canceled and himself painted as a villain due to Dole's shrewd PR moves. GERTTEN takes the offensive, filing a countersuit and media campaign of his own to confront Dole's tactics. Big Boys Gone Bananas!* is a telling case study of the power of individuals to fight back.