

猶不得你 Defamation     [台灣首映]

以色列 Israel 丹麥 Denmark 美國 USA & 奧地利 Austria / 2009 / 93 min / 導演 DirectorYoav SHAMIR

2009 倫敦電影節 最佳紀錄片 

2009 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展

誠品信義10/31,16:30   誠品信義11/4,19:30





What is anti-Semitism today, two generations after the Holocaust? In his continuing exploration of modern Israeli life, director Yoav SHAMIR travels the world in search of the most modern manifestations of the “oldest hatred, and comes up with some startling answers.

The film questions our perceptions and terminology when an event proclaimed by some as anti-Semitic is described by others as legitimate criticism of Israel’s government policies. The film walks along the boundary between anti-Zionism, rejecting the notion of a Jewish State, and anti-Semitism, rejecting Jews. Is the former being used to excuse the latter? And is there a difference between today’s anti-Semitism and plain old racism that is affecting all minorities?

Opinions often differ and tempers sometimes flare, but in Defamation we find that one thing is certain – only by understanding their response to anti-Semitism can we really appreciate how Jews today, and especially modern Israelis, respond to the world around them, in New York and in Moscow, in Gaza and Tel Aviv.


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