
The Age of Stupid_愚蠢年代.jpg


愚蠢年代 The Age of Stupid

 英國 UK / 2009 / 92 min / 導演 Director:Franny ARMSTRONG

2009 英國獨立電影獎

台北市立圖書館 北投分館 10/28,19:00



The British film The Age of Stupid by Franny ARMSTRONG takes an unsparing look at the development of humanity before the background of global catastrophe. With dramaturgic skill, it combines a fictional narrative level with documentary elements when tracing the path to ecological disaster from the perspective of the year 2050, with the aid of “flashbacks.” Above all, the film poses the question: why did we not prevent our doom while we still had the chance to do so? The film succeeds not only in pointing out the objective contours of climate change, but also in revealing the internal contradictions and cultural barriers that make acting so difficult. 

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    2014 CNEX 影展

    2014 CNEX 國際華人紀錄片影展

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