
Über Wasser_水-人與黃色水桶.jpg


──人與黃色水桶 Above Water (Über Wasser) 

奧地利 Austria & 盧森堡 Luxembourg / 2007 / 82 min / Udo MAURER

2008 西雅圖國際電影節

台北市立圖書館 北投分館 11/3,19:00




In three chapters from three different parts of our earth, the new Austrian film documentary Über Wasser by the director Udo MAURER, reports on the existential significance of the element of water for humanity. In this way, a seemingly banal and obvious fact becomes an exciting and immediate narrative about the daily struggle for survival. In spite of water. Because of water. Without water. With water. About flooding and inundation in the delta region of the Brahmaputra in Bangldesh, about the once-thriving fishing port and harbour city of Aralsk on the Aral Sea that now lies lost in the dry Kazakh steppes, and about Africa’s daily war of all against all for a couple of canisters of clean water in Kibera, the largest slum of Nairobi.

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    2014 CNEX 影展

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