

509-E刑男 On the Edge of Light and Shadow

巴西Brazil / 2009 / 150 min / Luciana BURLAMAQUI

2010 墨西哥Guadalajara影展最佳拉丁美洲紀錄片 Best Latin American Feature Documentary, International Cinema Festival in Guadalajara
2009 法國Biarritz拉丁美洲影展評審特別獎、觀眾票選最佳紀錄片Audience Award for Best Documentary & Special Mention from the Jury, Biarritz Latin American Cinema and Cultures Festival, France

10/29(六)17:00 誠品信義
11/02(三)16:40 中和國賓

女演員蘇菲亞來到位於巴西聖保羅、全南美最大的監獄,義務提供受刑人戲劇指導,她的到來為受刑人Dexter和Afro-X帶來生命的一線光亮。極具音樂天份的兩人以牢房代碼509-E為名,組成了一個饒舌樂團,並在蘇菲亞的協助下大放異彩,不僅發行專輯,更進行多場巡演。然而, 509-E富批判性的歌詞和發言讓當局政權不滿,成為警方的眼中釘。當監獄發生挾持人質的暴動事件,正好成為監管單位禁止他們繼續演出的理由。他們的共同夢想,此時面臨了挑戰……。

On The Edge of Light and Shadow looks into violence and human nature with the stories of an actress who has devoted her life to humanizing the penal system, the rap duo 509-E with Dexter and Afro-X inside the extinct Carandiru, at that time the largest prison in Latin America, and a judge who believes in a more dignified way to rehabilitate inmates. The documentary follows the life of these characters during seven years, beginning in the year 2000.


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