雲端裡的圖書館 Books and Clouds
義大利、法國 Italy - France︱ 2013︱ 52 min︱ Pier Paolo GIAROLO
2013 瑞士真實影展
Visions du Réel Film Festival
2013 義大利特倫托影展最佳藝術與技術貢獻獎
Best Artistic and Technical Contribution, Trento Film Festival
In a lost village in the Peruvian Andes, a young girl is waiting for the new books to arrive; for days, she has been waiting for a librarian who will walk all the way carrying the books on her shoulders. Rural libraries in Peru are made up of a few dozen books that, once read, are exchanged for others between communities. Both message and messenger travel together, in a pristine landscape a few steps away from the clouds; books walk as people walk.
9/28(六)19:50 華山二廳
9/30(一)12:30 華山一廳