廟 The Temple
中國大陸 China︱ 2013︱ 89 min︱郭恒奇 GUO Heng-qi



Duan Cun High School has hundreds years of history. Its original site was a temple in the Ming dynasty. This film documents the last moments of this school in its very last year. While teachers sign in as routine and students kill their youthful time eating, chatting, playing cards, only Teacher HO still cleans up the notice board, taking her job seriously. This summer, as students graduate, the school is moving to a new campus. It is said a new temple will be built in replacement of the idled school building⋯

9/29(日)15:20 華山一廳
9/30(一)14:00 華山二廳
10/3(四)12:30 華山二廳


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