無業世代 Generation Jobless
加拿大 Canada︱ 2013︱ 43 min︱ Sharon BARTLETT, Maria LEROSE
加拿大電視台的專題報導:歡迎來到「無業世代」!教育通膨與青年失業早已是全球現象。加拿大擁有高達15%的青年失業率,並且有三分之一的大學畢業生找不到工作、或者屈就低技能工作。「大學學歷 = 全職工作的保障= 中產生活的允諾」這個方程式早就已經不符合現實。專題小組遠赴青年失業率僅有2.8% 的瑞士尋找解藥。
Generation Jobless explores the crisis of overeducated youths being underemployed – scraping by in low-paid, part-time jobs that do not require a degree just to pay off their debt, while struggling to find 'real' jobs. Some call them "the lost generation", but it is not only young people who will pay the price. Youth unemployment and underemployment is a ticking time bomb with consequences for everyone.
9/28(六)12:00 誠品敦南
10/2(三)12:30 華山一廳
10/6(日)12:00 華山一廳