藍眼珠.褐眼珠 A Class Divided
美國 USA︱ 1987︱ 55 min︱ William PETERS
1985 艾美獎優良資訊文化歷史類節目
Outstanding Informational, Cultural, or Historical Programming, Emmy Award
1985 美國Sidney Hillman 新聞大獎
Sidney Hillman Prize Awards
本片免費放映,開演前30 分鐘開放索票入場
A Class Divided is one of the most requested programs in PBS Frontline's history. It is about an Iowa schoolteacher who, the day after Martin Luther KING Jr. was murdered in 1968, divided her third-grade students into blue-eyed and browneyed groups and gave them a daring lesson in discrimination. This is the story of what she taught the children, and the impact that lesson had on their lives.
9/30(一)12:30 華山二廳
10/5(六)16:00 誠品敦南