九命人 Twilight Zon9
台灣 Taiwan︱ 2005︱ 55 min︱吳米森 WU Mi-sen
2005 台北電影獎最佳紀錄片入圍
Nomination for Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival
2006 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展國際短片競賽入圍
Nomination for Best Short Film, Taiwan International Documentary Festival
It's been a while since I had nightmares like this. Last night, I dreamed that my teacher in junior high school brought a group of people to my home. I was scared and hid cringingly in the corner of my bathroom and felt an unusual pain on my face. When I touch it with my hand, my teeth fell off one by one. Feeling extremely painful, I wanted to go out for help, but then I saw, clearly, those people with blurry faces holding sticks in all of their hands... When I woke up, I decided to do something I've always wanted to do...
10/1(二)17:00 華山二廳