山上的小女子舉重隊 The Weight of Life
台灣 Taiwan | 2013 | 70 min | 廖憶玲、朱柏穎 Maggie LIAO, CHU Po-ying
2013 台北電影節最佳紀錄片入圍
Nomination for Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival
2013 金穗獎優等獎
Merit Award, Golden Harvest Awards
Once upon a time, there was a "Stone of Courage" on top of the hill. The legend says any kid who lifts the stone up would be regarded as an adult in the village. In the year of 1996, a national weightlifting coach founded a female teenage weightlifting team with three Bunun Tribe girls. Burdened with family responsibility and personal goals, their coming of age is not raising a stone up, but lifting the weight of their life.
10/4(五)12:00 華山一廳
10/5(六)18:00 華山2F多功能藝文廳(★異動★ 原映演場地為華山二廳)