不如跳舞 Dancing in Jaffa
美國、以色列 USA - Israel | 2013 | 87 min | Hilla MEDALIA
2013 紐約翠貝卡國際電影節
Tribeca Film Festival
2013 雪梨電影節
Sydney Film Festival
Dancing in Jaffa follows Pierre DULAINE, an internationally renowned ballroom dancer, as he returns to his birthplace, Jaffa, to fulfill his lifelong dream of teaching Jewish and
Palestinian-Israeli children to dance together. The film explores the stories of four children forced to confront issues of identity, segregation and racism, as they dance with their enemies.
9/29(日)12:00 誠品敦南
10/2(三)16:00 華山一廳
10/5(六)11:00 華山2F多功能藝文廳(★異動★ 原映演場地為華山二廳)