跑步者的小鎮 Town of Runners
英國、伊索比亞 UK - Ethiopia | 2011 | 86 min | Jerry ROTHWELL
2012 紐約翠貝卡國際電影節
Tribeca Film Festival
2012 英國雪菲爾紀錄片影展
Sheffield Doc/Fest
衣索比亞小鎮貝科吉以出產世界長跑冠軍聞名,在過去的20 年中,來自這裡的運動員獲得了10 枚奧運金牌。伴隨著衣索比亞逐漸加速的發展變化,本片講述三位青少年如何跟隨他們偶像的腳步,從訓練隊晉級國家比賽,從他們高原上寧靜美麗的家鄉跑出一段不同的人生。
Many of the world's greatest runners hail from Bekoji, a remote town in southern Ethiopia. Town of Runners is about young athletes raised in Bekoji, who hope to emulate their local heroes and compete on the world's stage. Filmed over four years, the film follows their fortunes as they move from school track to national competition, from childhood to adulthood.
9/28(六)18:50 誠品敦南
10/2(三)14:00 華山一廳