
手語尬詩 Deaf Jam
美國 USA | 2011 | 53 min | Judy LIEFF

2012 舊金山獨立電影節
         San Francisco Independent Film Festival
2012 紐約猶太影展
         New York Jewish Film Festival

安妮塔是一名住在紐約皇后區的聽障少女,在接觸到美國手語詩後,勇敢地進入手語尬詩的競賽世界。她在一次巧妙的機緣下,認識了一名聽人詩人,兩人合作創造了一種新型式的滿貫詩(slam poetry)。透過富有節奏與韻律的肢體語言,手語詩人隨著他們的詩句翩然起舞,展現了驚人的力道與美學,同時也述說著他們的心聲。

Aneta BRODSKI is a deaf teen introduced to American Sign Language (ASL) Poetry, who then boldly enters the spoken word slam scene. In a wondrous twist, Aneta, an Israeli immigrant living in the Queens section of New York City, eventually meets Tahani, a hearing Palestinian slam poet. The two young women embark on a hearing/deaf collaboration, a performance duet that is a metaphor for the complex realities they share.

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9/29(日)11:00 華山一廳
10/4(五)15:00 華山二廳

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    2014 CNEX 影展

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