冰原夢碎 Dreamland [台灣首映]
冰島 Iceland / 2010 / 89 min / 導演 Director:Thorfinnur GUDNASON & Andri Snaer MAGNASON
2009 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展
信義威秀10/30,13:00 信義威秀11/2,11:00
Dreamland is a film about exploitation of natural resources and as Icelanders have learned clean energy does not come without consequence. Iceland is a country blessed with an abundance of clean, renewable, hydro-electric and geothermal energy. Clean energy brings in polluting industry and international corporations.
Dreamland tells the story of a nation with abundance of choices gradually becoming caught up in a plan to turn its wilderness and beautiful nature into a massive system of hydro-electric and geothermal power plants with dams and reservoirs, built to power the increasing heavy industry that will soon make Iceland the largest aluminum smelter in the world.
This is also a story of a small nation’s continuing struggle for its independence, and today from multinational companies roaming the world.