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歸途列車 Last Train Home

加拿大 Canada / 2009 / 85 min / 導演 Director:范立欣 FAN Li-xin


 2009 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展 最佳紀錄長片

2010 日舞影展

信義威秀10/29,19:30   信義威秀10/31,15:00   信義威秀11/4,19:30  



Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival is the most important holiday in the lunar calendar. It remains the last stronghold of Chinese traditions that are withering rapidly with the invasion of new values. Each year, hundreds of millions of migrant workers return to their homes from the city to the rural countryside, throwing the transportation system into utter chaos. People camp at railway station for tickets, climb through windows, stand for days and nights, wear diapers to avoid using the lavatory, and struggle to stay in sanity to survive the ride. They are determined to return home at any cost for the solemn purpose of getting back to see their families.

The ZHANGs left their ancestral village and their one-year-old daughter to find work in Guangzhou city 16 years ago. The couple toils in a poorly ventilated, dimly lit garment factory to make money to pay for the daughter's schooling and try to give the daughter a better life in the future. Now their daughter is 17. The rebellious teenager always felt lost and neglected since her parents were away all these years. She is convinced that her parents care more about making money than taking care of her. Thus, she quit school, came down to Guangzhou city, and become a young migrant worker, which is exactly what the parents don't want her to be.

China's booming economy is largely based on exploiting the vast population of cheap labor. Sacrificing the poor for GDP growth, the country runs the risk of making millions of families separated and their children fell uneducated. These issues could all pose serious backlash against the country's ambitious goal. Last Train Home examines not only individual's fate among this chaotic social evolution but also the country's loss and gain in a race to be the world's next super power. 

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