《沒有圍牆的學校》The Forbidden Education
阿根廷 Argentina︱ 2012︱ 120 min︱ German DOIN
2012 阿根廷馬塔布拉塔國際電影節
Festival de Cine de Mar del Plata
Since its inception in more than 200 years ago, the school has been characterized by structures and practices that are now considered largely obsolete and outdated. Compiling more than 90 interviews with educators, professionals, parents of 8 Latin American countries, The Forbidden Education seeks to explore revolutionary ideas that challenge the conventional structure of school.
9/28(六)15:30 誠品敦南 ◆◇◆映後座談記錄◆◇◆
10/3(四)15:00 華山二廳