




和世界上所有其他分裂社會(divided societies),如北愛爾蘭、比利時、加拿大或分裂前的南斯拉夫一樣,臺灣政治藍綠對立的裂痕也具有複雜的歷史結構性根源。它是先來後到的移民族群之間的衝突對立、歷代外來政權長期採行「分而治之」的統治策略,以及近二十年來民主化過程中的政黨選舉動員等因素相互作用的產物。這是一種結構性現象,不是任何個人所能操作製造,因此需要透過長期、有耐性的政治與社會和解工程,才有辦法克服或馴服(domesticate)。


將對立的雙方或各方集聚一堂,創造一種友善、理性與同情理解的溝通氛圍,促使他們相互交流,分享經驗,彼此辯詰,最終企求消弭對立並獲致某種共識——這種源於審議民主(deliberative democracy)理念的社會和解工程,在不少分裂社會中被廣泛嘗試。2004年大選後族群和解工作坊所推動的族群對話論壇,或許是臺灣最初的類似嘗試,而這部以青年世代為觀察對象的《藍綠對話實驗室》則是以長期影像紀錄的方式所做的一次努力。







Dialogue Between Blue and Green

By WU Rui-ren, Research Associate, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica


Just like any divided societies such as Northern Ireland, Belgium, Canada, or Yogoslavia before the breakup, the political opposition between Blue (KMT) and Green (DDP) in Taiwan is rooted with complicated historical structure. It originates from conflicts between the ethnic groups in the waves of immigrants, and the alien regime’s longtime belief of the strategy– “divide and conquer”, in addition to several factors raised by election campaigns during its 20 years of democratization. This is a structural phenomenon, it cannot be manufactured by any individual, therefore it will need a long-term and patient construction of political and social reconciliation to eventually overcome and domesticate.


Gathering the opposing parties together, creating a friendly, rational and compassionate communication atmosphere, prompting them to interact, share experiences, debate each other, and ultimately seek to eliminate differences and come to a consensus–these social reconciliation attempts originating from the concept of deliberative democracy are widely promoted in divided societies. After the 2004 presidential election, ethnic reconciliation workshops promoted forums to start dialogues between different ethnic groups, and it was perhaps the first similar attempt made in Taiwan. Focusing on the younger generation, Dialogue Between Blue and Green shows a long-term effort to document such movement.


In this vivid documentary, we observe a group of pure and candid youth, we see how they inherit and burden themselves with different historical memories and emotions, but at the same time we see them struggling to try to go beyond the weight of their inherited historical memories and emotions. Why choose “young people” for this dialogue of reconciliation? We suspect that the filmmaker believe that young people have less involvement in the realistic benefits of the adult world, and they have qualities that showed their ideology and potential. So, we see youths from eight different backgrounds, personalities, qualities, and they all gathered in front of the camera. For over one year and a half, they started an open dialogue with each other, with their older generation, and with their Taiwan. We see them getting confused, hesitant, joyful, in despair, criticizing angrily, or analyzing rationally, however, we have also seen their efforts to listen to friendly and sincere comments, accept criticisms, and even self-mock in good humor. More interestingly, under the comparison of two external participants from China and Hong Kong, we see a group of diverse “Taiwanese Kids” with common characteristics, and we could observe, like an outsider, with an objective and calm vision.


Then, will these candid young people in this film eventually attain some kind of consensus and establish some sort of reconciliation after this long scrutiny about each other’s emotions, memories, and set a common course? Did the young people’s reconciliation experiment really brought inspiration and hope for reconciliation in Taiwan? Perhaps you must come and watch this documentary and be involved in their dialogue, listen and debate with them, and form your own conclusion after experiencing all the confusion, resentment, despair and hope. Why? Because despite

the fact that a huge and deep political fracture is a product of its historical structure, it is still necessary to rely on the will to pursue unity and reconciliation. A documentary or an experiment will not disintegrate the long-standing opposition. However, with the completion of a documentary, film screenings and distribution are the originator of the long road to reconciliation, because by “observing”, you and I are already involved in this great historical movement.


※更多影片介紹與預告→【青春與政治】藍綠對話實驗室Dialogue between Blue & Green 


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