《Google 任務:世界之腦》Google and the World Brain
西班牙、英國 Spain - UK︱ 2013︱ 89min︱ Ben LEWIS
2013 日舞影展
Sundance Film Festival
2013 英國雪菲爾紀錄片影展
Sheffield Doc/Fest
網路時代有史以來最具野心的計畫、同時也是最多人想阻止的計畫——Google Books,想要掃描儲存全世界數以百萬的書籍,變成當初科幻小說家HG 威爾斯所預言的「世界之腦」。然而,許多的書籍作者也千方百計要阻止Google。
The most ambitious project ever conceived on the Internet: Google's master plan to scan every book in the world and the people trying to stop them. Google says they are building a library for mankind, but some say they also have other intentions. Google and the World Brain is a film about the dreams, dilemmas and dangers of the Internet.
9/30(一)16:30 華山二廳
10/2(三)16:30 華山二廳