
粉墨登場 Create Something
台灣 Taiwan︱ 2010︱ 86min︱吳星螢 Kilasme WU

2010 金馬獎最佳紀錄片入圍
         Nomination for Best Documentary, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
2009 高雄電影節
         Kaohsiung Film Festival

2004 年台灣,一個學生導演把註冊費拿去買了台破DV,為搞社運的老朋友們拍了一堆生活和抗爭紀錄,他們關注的議題叫做「反高學費」。五年之後,這些「家庭錄影帶」竟累積成一部紀錄片。片中的青年身影從二十歲到結婚生子,日復一日生活和抗爭,爭的不只是學費該繳幾塊錢,更是爭台灣的未來要往哪裡走。

In 2004, a Taiwanese student bought a crappy DV camcorder with her supposedly tuition fee, to film the lives and work processes of her old friends doing social movements against raising tuition fees. Five years later, enough materials were accumulated from these home videos to make a documentary. In which, these 20-something got married, had kids and still fought as ever. What they were fighting for was not just a bargain of fees but the future of Taiwan.

10/2(三)12:30 華山二廳
10/6(日)14:30 華山2F多功能藝文廳(★異動★ 原映演場地為華山二廳)


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