電競高手 State of Play
比利時、南韓 Belgium - South Korea︱ 2013 ︱ 85 min ︱ Steven DHOEDT
2013 比利時Docville 紀錄片影展
International Documentary Film Festival Docville
星海爭霸(Starcraft)職業聯賽是南韓社會一大盛事。這些年輕的電玩選手享受國家級待遇,也是支撐遊戲產業的閃亮明星。影片紀錄電競高手李帝東(LEE Jaedong)以及另外兩位以他為超越目標的後輩。遊戲對他們而言早已經不再是玩樂,而是職業。他們肩負社會大眾的期盼、在父執輩所無法理解的領域稱霸,也得提早面對職業人生的酸甜苦辣與壓力。
In Seoul, hundreds of young boys compete to be the best at one single video game: Starcraft. The top players are viewed as national celebrities, participating on all levels of popular culture. But what happens when play becomes work? For some it will be a struggle to stay on top of their game, for others it might be the turning point of their lives.
9/30(一)19:00 華山一廳