蜜色肌膚 Approved For Adoption
比利時、法國、南韓 Belgium - France - South Korea | 2012 | 74 min | Jung HENIN and Laurent BOILEAU
2012 安錫國際動畫影展觀眾票選獎及聯合國兒童基金會獎
Audience Award and UNICEF Award, Annecy International Animation Festival
2012 蒙特婁國際兒童影展大獎
Grand Prix, Montreal International Children's Film Festival
韓戰孤兒小允在歷經波折後被比利時家庭領養,雖然受到養父母及兄弟姐妹的關愛,卻始終找不到歸屬感。自我認同的困惑讓他開始偷竊、說謊,養父母對待他的態度也開始180 度大轉變。在成長的混沌中,小允試圖找回自我的價值與根源,多年後,他將自己的故事創作成繪本,並隨同本片的劇組,重返久別的故鄉。
Cartoonist Jung decided to return to his homeland South Korea for the first time since he was adopted by a Belgian family 37 years ago. This trip of reconciliation with his roots and with himself leads him to recall - in animation - the child he once was and the winding path that made him grow up.
10/1(二)13:00 華山一廳
10/5(六)14:00 誠品敦南