朋友─瓦旦 Friend Watan
台灣 Taiwan │ 2013 │ 36min │陳界仁 CHEN Chieh-jen
行為藝術家瓦旦.塢瑪是陳界仁認識十幾年的朋友。在上一個計劃《幸福大廈 I》所搭建的場景,瓦旦僅存有的幾張照片與一本筆記本, 構成了這部「非傳記」、「非紀實」的影片。關於「過往」,無論它以何種形式殘存,某方面說,消逝是必然的。
CHEN has been friends with Watan Uma for more than ten years. Before he started filming, he asked Watan if he could see a picture of him when he was younger. A few days later, with a few pictures and a notebook in hand, Watan told him, "I could only find these. The rest are missing." No matter what remains of the past, in a certain respect, their disappearance is inevitable.