08 THE DREAMCARVER a portrait of PAMPILA_圖片(已授權)    


刻夢者 The Dreamcarver: A Portrait of PAMPILA

澳洲 Australia │ 2012 │ 13min │ Vincent MOON



Sigur rós, Arcade Fire, R.E.M. 等樂團邀約不斷的當紅導演,毅然背起背包流浪紀錄不同民族的生命狀態。西澳傳統木藝師宛如儀式般重複敲擊的迴力鏢,已淪為消費者的伴手禮,唯有來自夢境的古老旋律,始終低聲迴盪祖先的遙遠記憶。


Vincent Moon is an independent Paris filmmaker. For recent years, he has been travelling around the globe with a camera in his backpack, documenting local folklores and religious rituals. Pampila crafts traditional boomerangs in Broome for a living, while being an indigenous musician as well.

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    2014 CNEX 影展

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