尋找木柵女 Looking for Siraya
台灣 Taiwan │ 2013 │ 28min │鄭立明 CHENG Li-ming
1871 年,蘇格蘭攝影師約翰.湯姆生來台拍攝了第一批照片在西方成功傳播的台灣影像,當中有一位原住民母親在木柵抱著嬰孩熠熠發光。照片由3D 攝影機拍攝,呈現左右雙重影像,像是兩扇矗立的大門,通往追尋島嶼歷史以及先民來源的路。
In 1871, John Thompson the Scottish photographer came to Formosa, and shot a series of images, which became the first, widely published set of photos of Formosa in the West. One of the most famous portraits displays a mysterious, aboriginal mother holding a baby in Muzha. This photo was shot with a 3D camera, its door-like double images lead the crew to the pursuit of the history about our motherland and ancestors.