
JOANNA_Aneta Kopacz (Wajda Studio)_3 (1)  


告別喬安娜 Joanna


波蘭 Poland 2013 40 min Aneta KOPACZ


2014 英國雪菲爾紀錄片影展 Sheffield Doc/Fest

2014 西班牙巴塞隆納國際紀錄片節最佳電影評審團特別獎

Special Jury Award for Best Film, Docs Barcelona Film Festival



She starts a blog when she finds out she has cancer and is given three months to live. Then she promises her 5-year-old son, Jas, that she will do her best to survive for as long as possible. With that, she starts writing for him. The documentary shows the everyday existence of Joanna, her husband Piotr, and little Jas. It is as discreet as it is moving. Through few well-chosen words and observations it manages to be both essential and sensuous. Joanna is a story of thoughtfulness in death, life and love.





9/27 六 18:20 華山一廳│ 10/1 三 20:00 華山一廳 10/5 日15:30 華山一廳





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