
OwnerBuilt Still 1A  


回憶拼圖 ownerBuilt

美國 USA 2013 49 min Lawrence ANDREWS


2013 美國聖克魯茲電影節Santa Cruz Film Festival

2013 美國達拉斯錄像節Dallas VideoFest



Hurricane Katrina and the ensuing aftermath destroyed Noel's community. As he rebuilds, he evokes the past through the enlistment of his personal archives. The story that he tells about his neighborhood is affected by the story of innocent people gunned down while attempting to cross a bridge in search of safety, and for Noel, their plight clarify many things. An implied author performs Noel, who performs others, who themselves are performing. And in this manner a performative documentary comes into being.





9/26 五 13:30 華山二廳│ 9/30 二 12:50 華山二廳│ 10/3 五 18:50 華山二廳




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