

愛我請點擊Love Me

美國 USA 2013 94 min Jonathon NARDUCCI


2014 加拿大Hot Docs 國際紀錄片影展 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival

2014 美國佛羅里達電影節Florida Film Festival




Can people find love through the modern "mail - order bride" industry? Or is the international romance business just a scam? Love Me follows Western men and Ukrainian women as they embark on an unpredictable and riveting journey in search of love. Each character's experience exposes the myths and realities of this unique industry, while also

exploring a much deeper, human story that is too often overlooked.





9/30 二 11:30 華山一廳│ 10/1 三 16:00 華山一廳│ 10/5 日 12:40 華山二廳



    創作者 2014 CNEX 影展 的頭像
    2014 CNEX 影展

    2014 CNEX 國際華人紀錄片影展

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