十五個分手夜 A Mile End Tale
加拿大 Canada │ 2013 │ 68 min │ Jean-François LESAGE
2013 魁北克電影節年度展 Rendez-vous du Cinéma Québécois
2014 瑞士真實影展閉幕片Closing Film, Visions du Reel Film Festival
When human souls break up, they seem irreconcilable. Is there an antidote for heartbreak? Wandering through his neighbourhood after dusk, a young man, searching for answers, inspires friends and strangers to open their hearts to him. Through encounters, confessions, slips: the autumn night sheds inhibitions.
9/28 日 21:00 華山二廳 ★│ 10/2 四 20:40 華山一廳 ★