


高個子男人快樂嗎? 與喬姆斯基的對談

Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy? : An Animated Conversation with Noam Chomsky

法國 France 2013 88 min Michel GONDRY


2014 雪梨電影節Sydney Film Festival

2014 柏林影展電影大觀單元 Panorama program, Berlin International Film Festival


導演米歇·龔德里嘗試以本作與「美國當代重要思想家」諾姆・喬姆斯基Noam Chomsky)對談。藉由大師生動有趣的見解,搭配導演童趣的手繪線條,其天馬行空的對談,引導觀眾思考觀看與理解之間的關連。內容攸關事物本質、社會議題,以及生命的意義。誠如影片所言:世界就像是巨大的拼圖,如果你不努力探索,就會變成別人大腦的複製品。片中所呈現的當代大師喬姆斯基不僅僅是傑出的學者,作為一個平凡人,他對亡妻的回憶也相當真誠。

Through a series of interviews, Michel Gondry illustrates Noam Chomsky's theories in an animated documentary, where Gondry's creativity and imagination serve Chomsky's intellectual rigour. Chomsky has a memory, a knowledge of science and history, a logic that is both unrivaled and overwhelming, but revealed to us by the means of Gondry's naive yet complex animation drawings. Using animated drawings, Michel Gondry brings light to Noam Chomsky both as an eminent professor and as a man.




9/27  六 16:00 華山二廳│ 9/30 二 17:30 華山二廳│ 10/3 五 12:50 華山二廳



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    2014 CNEX 影展

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