不服從行動守則 Everyday Rebellion
奧地利、瑞士 Austria - Switzerland │ 2013 │ 112 min │ Arash T. RIAHI, Arman T. RIAHI
2013 哥本哈根CPH:DOX 國際紀錄片電影節觀眾票選獎
Audience Award, CPH:DOX International Documentary Festival
2013 法蘭克福B3 動態影像雙年展跨媒體獎 BEN Award Transmedia, B3 BIENNALE FRANKFURT
What does the Occupy movement have in common with the Spanish Indignados or the Arab Spring? Is there a connection between the Iranian democracy movement and the Syrian struggle? And what is the link between the Ukrainian topless activists of Femen and the anti-government protests in Egypt? The reasons for the various uprisings in these countries may be diverse, but the creative, nonviolent tactics they use are strongly connected. Everyday Rebellion is a documentary and a cross-media project celebrating the power and the richness of creative, nonviolent protests and civil disobedience worldwide.
9/27 六 10:40 華山二廳│ 10/5 日 17:20 華山一廳