
The promise_02  


魯笠 The Promise

台灣 Taiwan 2012 60 min │ 陳武男 CHEN Wu-nan


2013 35 屆金穗獎最佳紀錄片


東港,南台灣濱海的漁港。生活在21 世紀的台灣,有一個地方在某些時刻,彷彿回到一兩百年前的封建時代,他們身著古裝,抬著轎子,行事遵照著一套嚴謹的禮儀規範,他們用盡心思建造了一艘華麗的王船,卻一把火把祂燃燒殆盡。身為東港人,真正在乎的是每三年舉辦一次的東港迎王平安祭典。依循儀式,鏡頭展現遊子對鄉土的凝聚連帶;還有島嶼海上漢人,滄桑地信仰著的固執與堅韌。

Dong-gang, a fishing village in the southern part of Taiwan, is a place of exceptional history which is kept alive through an ancient mysterious ritual. One of the most important characteristic of being part of the Dong-gang community is joining a ritual that takes place every three year. They call the ritual as "Yi-Wang". Because of the ritual and their love for hometown, the wandering sons must find their way back home.





9/28 日 15:30 華山一廳 ★│ 10/1 三 15:30 華山二廳│ 10/4 六 10:30 華山二廳



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