膠捲遊戲 A Film Is A Film Is A Film
美國 USA │ 2013 │ 16 min │ Eva von SCHWEINITZ
2014 紐約翠貝卡影展 Tribeca Film Festival
2014 蘇格蘭南方電影節Southside Film Festival
35 釐米膠捲到底有什麼魅力?能讓許多電影工作者回味留戀不已。本片導演作為一位資深膠捲影片放映師,面對戲院走向全面數位化、底片放映機被拆除的同時,她決意拿膠捲作實驗,滿懷情感、又刮又劃,展現膠捲影片獨到的物質特性,絕對是數位時代無法取代的銘刻回憶。
Digital projection is taking over the movie screens world widely. As the material of celluloid film slowly disappears from her workplace, the director, who has worked as a movie projectionist for more than 10 years, embarks on an investigation into what makes film special. Is it just nostalgia? Is there a connection between how we watch movies and how we see the world? She starts bleaching, painting and scratching film in order to find answers. A Film Is A Film Is A Film is a personal look into a changing profession and a visceral portrait of a vanishing material.
9/27 六 17:50 華山二廳│ 10/2 四 20:10 華山二廳│ 10/4 六 15:00 華山一廳 ◎