
Peyangki lights    


幸福國度 Happiness

芬蘭、法國、不丹 Finland - France - Bhutan 2013 80 min Thomas BALMÈS


2013 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

2014 日舞影展最佳攝影獎Cinematography Award, Sundance Film Festival



1999 年,猶如世外桃源的不丹王國,即將引進電視與網路。八歲童僧滿心期待地隨著舅父進城裡買電視。面對修行上的挫折,是否透過閃爍螢幕就能獲得快樂?導演沉默旁觀大自然裡純真心靈,鏡頭像一面鏡子,被割裂的古老世界,彷彿仙境,美得令人屏息。對觀者來說,我們也在內觀,此時此刻被創造出來的現代想像。

Bhutan is one of the least developed countries in the world. This meant that people led their lives without TV, let alone Internet but both arrived at last in 1999. Our protagonist, Peyangki is a dreamy and solitary eight-year-old monk who lives in the last village to get hooked up. His uncle decides to take a three-day journey to Bhutan's capital of Thimpu to buy a TV set. Peyangki will go along on the trip, his first foray into the big city. "Do you expect TV to make you happy?" asks the lama of the last five monks at Peyangki's monestery. The answer is a resounding "Yes." The gorgeous shots of the scenery speak more than the people in this film.





9/28 日 11:00 華山一廳│ 9/30 二 18:00 華山一廳│ 10/4 六 16:00 華山二廳



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    2014 CNEX 影展

    2014 CNEX 國際華人紀錄片影展

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