

再見了,菲林 Thank You, 35mm

台灣 Taiwan 2014 12 min │ 張逸方、謝宜珊 Alex CHANGTengo XIE


福相作為老牌電影字幕公司,近20 年間,見證台灣電影工業中,底片膠捲轉數位素材的大時代變化。他們從2012 年開始記錄即將歇業的膠捲後製公司,希冀將底片製作與技術記錄下來。本片是台灣電影史的第一眼,也將會是最後一眼,讓我們看幕後工作者集體,敬﹗底片時代。

It is the era of digital films now. The century of the negative film industry is about to be gone. The negative film industry in Taiwan is bound to be influenced. In the past decade, we have been facing the transition and elimination in many ways. So in 2012, we began to film a documentary on the post-production companies of the negative films which were about to be closed down, recording everything about the negative film industry in Taiwan.





9/27 六 17:50 華山二廳│ 10/2 四 20:10 華山二廳│ 10/4 六 15:00 華山一廳 ★◎



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