打獅‧下山紀事 Hakka Lion – A Story of Old Folks in Xiashan Village
台灣 Taiwan │ 2010 │ 50 min │ 曾吉賢 TSENG Chi-hsien
2012 台灣地方志影展優選
新竹縣芎林鄉山腳下的下山村,仍住著一群順應天命, 與土地相依,努力打拼的硬頸客家人。他們循著四季耕種,謙卑的守護著家園。綿延起伏的稻浪中,不時傳來⋯ 叮! 咚! 鏘!的鑼鼓聲。在農忙與勞動工作之後,客家武獅成了他們休閒與情感交流的媒介。歷經了三代汗水所濕潤的黃藤木耙頭,一把滿是傷痕的兵器,依舊在手中揮舞,憨厚敘說,世代的共同記憶。
At Hsinchu county, people work in farms from generation to generation. Mr. Chang, 72 year-old-man, is a leader of Hakka Lion Dance. Until now, he still follows the traditional way to construct lions' head by using papier-mâché. Because he always wears a smile on his face, it seems like his lion's head is also smiling toward us. He keeps telling us the story about farming and the history of plebeian, although, in this serene village, there are already many signs of land expropriation and most of his neighbors have moved to the city.
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