


小姐你好 The Special Need

德國、義大利 German - Italy 2013 78 min Carlo ZORATTI


2013 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片及動畫影展金鴿獎

German Competition -Golden Dove, International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film

2013 美國西南偏南電影節觀眾票選獎 Audience Award Global Section, SXSW Film Festival



29 歲自閉症大男孩需要愛,也需要愛愛!聽說奧地利可以合法買春,安亞跟兩個死黨從義大利出發,駕車踏上尋愛之旅。到處搭訕碰壁、買春遭拒,他們滿腦子賤主意。然而,發現想要合法享受性愛,對於有學習障礙的成年人來說,竟如此困難。想交女朋友與愛愛的執念,讓安亞在沿途中,發現始料未及的美好風景。

There's only one thing twenty-nine year old, autistic Enea loves more than trucks - and that's girls. However, Enea hasn't found the right one yet, but that doesn't stop him from searching. Carla, Enea's therapist, convinces his mom that the time has come for him to cope with his sexual desires. What started as an expedition for sex soon becomes a journey into Enea's most intimate feelings and a way for the three friends to explore their own conception of love, friendship and freedom.





9/26 五 14:50 華山二廳│ 9/28 日 20:30 華山一廳│ 10/5 日 17:00 華山二廳



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    2014 CNEX 影展

    2014 CNEX 國際華人紀錄片影展

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