喬大叔來了 Here Comes Uncle Joe
南韓、日本、美國 South Korea - Japan - USA │ 2013 │ 72 min │ Sinae HA, Wooyoung CHOI
2013 韓國EIDF 國際紀錄片影展 EBS International Documentary Festival
2013 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展入選Doc for Sale單元 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
He is not their uncle, and his name is not Joe. But to the old ladies of An-dong, a rural community in southeastern Korea, Uncle Joe is almost the only contact they have to the modern world. Uncle Joe's delivery service is extraordinary. He reaches 15 isolated villages that have neither markets nor public transport and he delivers to the clients' door – or even into their refrigerator–whatever they order. The film follows Uncle Joe's delivery road from spring to winter, with smiles, sweat and tears between one delivery man and 800 elderly.
9/27 六 15:30 華山一廳 ★│ 9/28 日 10:20 華山二廳 ★│ 10/4 六 11:00 華山一廳