排灣人撒古流:15 年後 Sakuliu 2 : The Conditions of Love
台灣 Taiwan │ 2013 │ 88 min │ 陳若菲CHEN Jofei
2013 台北電影獎入圍 Best Documentary Nomination,Taipei Film Awards
2013 北京獨立影像展 Beijing Independent Film Festival
對排灣人來說,技藝不是「展品」。從1994 年《排灣人撒古流》到2013 年《排灣人撒古流:十五年後》,鍾愛部落傳統文化的藝術家撒古流從青年划行到中年。本片記錄88 風災後,撒古流回部落與族人併肩、扛起領導責任。在重建家園的過程中,撒古流生命裡的歷史記憶、身體技藝,仍舊在個人理想與傳統觀念之間、舊有與新存之際糾纏交錯,持續衝突、辯證。
Sakuliu is a Paiwan artist who treasures his tribal traditional culture. After leaving his tribal village due to unpleasant circumstances for many years, he decides to return to help rebuild his hometown, Da-She Village, which was devastated in the August 8th. However, gulf and conflicts between personal vision and traditional thinking, between old and new, which traumatized him in the past, gradually surface once again as rehabilitation process moves on.
9/30 二 19:30 華山二廳 ★│ 10/2 四 13:20 華山一廳 │ 10/5 日 10:50 華山一廳