我不屬於 A World Not Ours
英國、黎巴嫩、丹麥 UK - Lebanon - Denmark│2012│93 min│Mahdi FLEIFEL
2013 日本山形國際紀錄片影展 Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival
2013 柏林影展和平電影獎Peace Film Award, Berlinale
A dazzling act of first-person filmmaking, Mahdi Fleifel's A World Not Ours immerses us in a strange and unique world: the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Helweh ("Sweet Spring") in Lebanon, hastily built in 1948, now housing 70,000 refugees in one square kilometre. Fleifel spent his formative years in the camp in the 1980s before his family settled in Denmark. But while Fleifel can visit the camp whenever he pleases, Abu Eyad must remain - an inequity that makes their friendship both especially sensitive and precious.
9/30 二 13:30 華山一廳│ 10/2 四 10:30 華山二廳│ 10/4 六 13:00 華山一廳