甜蜜的咒詛 Our Curse
波蘭 Poland │ 2013 │ 27 min │ Tomasz SLIWINSKI
2013 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam
2014 英國雪菲爾紀錄片影展最佳學生影片與觀眾票選獎
Best Student Film and Audience Award, Sheffield Doc/Fest
The film is a personal statement of the director and his wife, who have to deal with a very rare and incurable disease of their newborn child – the Ondine's Curse. People affected with this disease stop breathing during sleep and require lifetime mechanical assistance on a ventilator. The film shows the first few months of living together after the diagnosis. The film examines the process of taming fear by and gradually adapting to new circumstances.
9/27 六 18:20 華山一廳│ 10/1 三 20:00 華山一廳 ◎│ 10/5 日 15:30 華山一廳