選票對話錄 One Voice, One Vote
法國 France | 2007 | 14 min | Cécile ROUSSET, Jeanne PATURLE
★2011 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片及動畫影展
Leipzig International Festival for Documentary andAnimated Film
※場次資訊:09/29(六)18:10 誠品敦南、09/30(日)16:00 誠品敦南、10/07(日)20:50 誠品敦南
Martine and Arnaud are two French citizens. Arnaud is a 28-year-old engineer; Martine is 66-year-old sociologist. They have never met. We interviewed them on themes as wide as citizenship, or political commitment, trying to create a bridge between them.