

幸福就在眼前 We Will Be Happy One Day

波蘭 Poland | 2011 | 40 min | Pawel WYSOCZANSKI 


★2012 西班牙馬德里紀錄片影展國際短片競賽銀獎
Second Prize, International Short Film, Documenta Madrid

★2011 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片及動畫影展
International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film



場次資訊:10/03(三)14:20 信義威秀、10/04(四)14:20 信義威秀




We Will Be Happy One Day is a story about Daniel, a young man living with his charismatic grandmother in a small Polish town. In the hope to escape the omnipresent misery, he wanders around his neighborhood, with a mobile phone camera in his hand, asking people about their dreams. Are they going to come true, at least, for some of them?




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