

逐冰之旅  Chasing Ice

美國 USA | 2011 | 75 min | Jeff ORLOWSKI


★2012 加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片電影節觀眾票選獎
Audience Award, Hot Docs International Documentary Festival

Excellence Cinematography Award, Sundance Film Festival



場次資訊:10/01(一)20:00 信義威秀、10/03(三)17:30 信義威秀、10/07(日)13:00 誠品信義


關於氣候變遷發生的緣由,專家學者眾說紛紜,有人相信全球暖化是人類釀成的災禍,也有人認為一切都只是大地週期性的循環。國家地理雜誌攝影師詹姆士巴羅格(James BALOG)為尋找真相,親自走訪北極,記錄極地之冰的醉心景致,並同時發掘在藏在美景背後的驚人事實。


Photographer James BALOG’s documentation of the glaciers was the most-read story in National Geographic Magazine in the last five years. But for BALOG, the assignment also inspired him to engage in a much larger and longer-term project to study the melting arctic. Chasing Ice tells the story of a visionary artist who adventure to capture the most visible sign of climate change, against all odds.




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